A Different Approach to Purpose

The idea is simple, yet complex, expressive yet different. Our mission is to breathe consciousness into the individuality of everyone's unique taste and style. Jewelry is an artform that takes an immaterial emotion and transforms it into a materialized wearable statement.

Gonzalecaries isn't just a jewelry store, it is a bazaar of the unusual ardor of self expression.

Embrace your Individuality!

"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities"

- Stephen Covey

Why choose to wear healing crystals?

Healing crystals are objects of power and beauty. Each delivering its own benefits that provides its wearer with a multitude of not only emotional support, but also mental and physical support. Healing crystals have long been used in medicinal healing, meditation, spiritual well-being, and to imbue positive energy.

Here are the benefits of wearing healing crystals:

  • Balancing energy
  • Emotional support
  • Physical healing
  • Enhanced focus and clarity
  • Spiritual connection
  • Deeper meditation

"Harness the power within, embrace your individuality and wear your crystals!"

Why Choose jewelry made from copper Wire?

Your Choice to wear copper jewelry can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. Besides the metals lustful brown gold beauty, copper offers us humans with the added benefits that only someone who wears it can experience.

Here are a few key advantages of wearing copper:

  • Amplifies the energy of healing crystals
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improved circulation
  • Joint and muscle support
  • Boosted immune system
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Skin health benefits

When choosing a piece for yourself or for someone you love, take a moment think of the health benefits copper provides for its wearer.

"Empower your health with copper jewelry"

Why choose jewelry made from Sterling Silver Wire

The choice to wear silver jewelry besides its alluring mirror like gleam of brilliance, bears a deeper meaning and some you may not even have known yourself.

Here are the benefits of wearing silver jewelry:

  • Silver offers timeless beauty
  • Versatility in clothing options and styles
  • Durability
  • Hypoallergenic properties (safe for those of you with skin irritations)
  • Promote positive energy
  • Silver is said to have antimicrobial properties that stops the growth of bacteria and viruses
  • Silver has cooling properties which in turn helps to regulate body temperature

Shine with silver, embrace timeless beauty for years to come! Promote positivity, all while being your raw authentic self.

Custom Requests

Have an idea you want to materialize or want a different metal to be used on a current piece? Perhaps there is an item on the site you wish had a different stone or want to ping pong ideas for a special custom piece? Whatever your motivation, reach out to us directly to discuss the making of a masterpiece only you or the lucky person your dedicating it to will ever possess.

Click the chat box on the bottom right corner to start your custom order inquiry.