If you believe it, you can see it.

If you believe it, you can see it.

We as humans connect to our environment in a variety of ways. Such as walking the dog to enjoy the morning breeze, watching the dew drip from the leaves. The moments you take away from our daily hustle and bustle of work, life and the stress of living in general, allows our spirit to connect with the Earth and in turn the universe. 

We are beings of insurmountable spiritual potential. Our bodies; like the Earth, is made up of mostly water and many metals which are also found on Earth. Each time we walk barefoot out onto a field of grass or dig our toes in the dirt, we are grounding ourselves with the Earth. We breathe and feel the breath of life circulating in our lungs, almost as if our spinning blue rock is speaking through us, connecting with us, reminding us that She is as much a part of us as we are apart of Her.

A sweet, yet romantic bond we share. The Earth gives us life, food and air to breathe and in turn we care for her, nurture new life and give birth to awareness for other individuals to take part in Her care. We love our Earth, without it, where would mankind be? Perhaps in the stars, perhaps on another planet, perhaps even nowhere. Just floating out in the endless space that looms outside our atmosphere. 

Earth, she is beautiful and wonderful. The crystals and gems she bears, help us connect to universal metaphysical powers that whirl around us, our belief in that power grants us the ability to manifest thoughts into our reality. Emotions become controllable constitutions and also aids us in our individual spiritual awakening. Powerful stuff I'd say if anyone asked. Powerful when you believe in it. 

I feel that belief comes into play the same way faith does. Most would argue "if I can see it, I'll believe it." In truth, just like the spiritual threads behind faith, "if you believe it, you can see it." 


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