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Dimitrius Pendant and Chain

Dimitrius Pendant and Chain

Regular price $105.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $105.00 USD
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Introducing the exquisite 'Dimitrius Pendant and Chain' - a captivating jewelry piece that embodies the perfect balance of light and darkness. The pendant is crafted with a harmonious blend of copper and sterling silver, giving it a unique aesthetic appeal.

The centerpiece of this stunning pendant is the beautiful Dendritic Agate stone, which expertly combines with the metalwork to create an overall piece that is both striking and spiritually enriching. The Dendritic Agate stone has been known to help individuals connect better with their inner selves, making this pendant more than just an accessory - it's also a tool for personal growth.

The Dimitrius Pendant comes complete with its own 20 inch chain, perfectly complementing its design elements while adding to its overall elegance. Whether you're wearing it as part of your everyday attire or as an eye-catching accessory for special occasions, this exquisite jewelry piece will surely turn heads.

In conclusion, if you're looking for something truly unique that combines both beauty and spirituality in one stunning package then consider adding 'Dimitrius Pendant Chain' to your collection today!

*This is piece is a one of a kind masterpiece. No other duplicate will ever be made*

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